Saturday, March 27, 2010

Broken and Poured Out

Broken and Poured Out
Speaker – Crispin Schroeder

I.               Intro – Context Matters
Why did Jesus go to Jerusalem?
Why did Jesus choose to got to Jerusalem during Passover Week?

II.              The History of Passover (Exodus 12, 13)
·      The first Passover
·      Passover instituted as an annual feast/holy week for Israel.
·      1,500 years of Passovers celebrated when Jesus arrives the week of Passover in Jerusalem.

III.            Jesus Celebrates the Passover with his disciples (Luke 22:7-20)
·      Jesus reconfigures Passover in light of New Covenant
·      Do THIS in remembrance of me. 
·      Communion is the symbolism, the life of Jesus broken and poured out is the substance.

IV.            A Life Broken and Poured Out (John 15:12-13)
What does this look like?
It looks like Jesus, loving his enemies, blessing those who curse him, doing good to the ones who were coming at him with scorn and contempt.  It looks like Jesus dying for the very ones who were killing him. 


Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Passion and Compassion of Christ

Life: Connected
The Passion and Compassion of Christ
Speaker – Crispin Schroeder

I. Intro, Text – John 12:20-31
II. The Passion of Christ – Matt 16:21-24
A. Jesus as “Christ”. Christ= Messiah
B. What “Messiah” meant to Peter and others.
C. The strength of God only appears ________________.
• “When God flexes his omnipotent muscle, it doesn’t look like Rambo or the Terminator—it looks like Calvary!” – Greg Boyd
D. Jesus not only took the penalty of sin but also faced the worse abuses of sin personally: Slander, rejection, hatred, betrayal, bruised, beaten, mocked, crucified. He faced all these as a man (Phil 2:5-11)
III. The Compassion of Christ (Hebrews 4:14-15)



IV. Conclusion

Saturday, March 13, 2010

God in the Hard Times

Life: Connected
God in the Hard Times
Speaker – Crispin Schroeder

I. Intro, Text – Matthew 10:1-16
II. The Good News / The Bad News
A. The Good News Is…
B. The Bad News Is…
C. “Sheep” is not a compliment
III. Wisdom and Innocence (Matthew 10:16)
A. We learn through experience
B. We learn most through ______________times
C. But hard times can make for hard ____________
IV. Expectations - Hard times are so hard because they are not what we expect!




V. Conclusion (John 10:11-12, 27-28, John 16:33, Psalm 23)

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Life: Connected
Speaker – Crispin Schroeder

I. Intro
II. The problem with priorities…
A. Priority list
B. Bicycle wheel
C. No Compartments
Colossians 3:17 whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
• Brother Lawrence

III. Flowers and Birds (Matthew 6:25-19)




IV. Conclusion