To listen to audio from this talk click on the above title or download through Itunes (search Northshore Vineyard).
In this talk we look into the practice of prayer, specifically Christian prayer. We explore why we pray and how to go about praying. This talk was recorded live at Mattina Bella restaurant in downtown Covington on November 10.
In The Call, part 2 in the series Living in a Larger Story, we explore the defining moment which moves a person from the ordinary to the extraordinary, from a small self-centered story into an epic narrative. In conjunction with this talk we have also prepared a series of questions for further reflection on this subject entitled Digging Deeper.
To download podcast click on the title above or download through Itunes (search Northshore Vineyard).
The audio on this talk is taken from week #4 of the Alpha course which Northshore Vineyard has been hosting in downtown Covington. This talk is about the role that the Bible plays in the life of a Christ-follower.