Speaker: Crispin Schroeder
I. The Trajectory of One’s Life
A. Miracle on the Hudson
B. Micro-slicing and the future of a couple’s marriage
C. C. S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce
D. The goal of the Christian faith is Transformation not simply Destination.
II. Romans 12:1-2 “do not be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”
III. Keeping your spiritual alignment balanced through The Prayer of Examen (examination of conscience)
“How do things stand between me and God? Where am I coming from, and where is my life in Christ growing?”
1. Set aside time for reflection
2. Reflection – Begin by looking over your day and thanking God for the gifts in your life.
3. Asking for Clarity – When you come across something in your day that you are not thankful for, some negative attitude or sin you participated in take this to God. Having thanked God for all the good gifts ask God for one more gift – to see clearly and in hope how I am growing more fully alive to God.
4. Examine – I carefully consider what my actions, omissions, thoughts, and desires tell me about my relationship with God, with myself, and with others.
5. Question – I patiently ask myself what my action or attitude meant. Did it embody the love of God or fear, peace or anxiety?
6. Closing – Finally I determine to keep my spirit filled with gratitude, and to take steps to get rid of mindsets that stand between me and my creator.
IV. Conclusion