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*Crispin references the following clip during the talk:
Life: Connected
Tending the Garden
Speaker – Crispin Schroeder
I. Intro – The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9)
II. Interpretation of the Parable
A. The Hardened Soil / The Hardened Heart (Matt 13:18-19)
B. Lack of Roots (Matt 13:20-21)
C. Choked by Cares and Anxiety (Matt 13:22)
D. Good Soil (Matt 13:23)
III. Maintaining an Open Heart (Phil. 4:4-9)
IV. Conclusion
Isn’t it wild that at times we all can hear without hearing? Even in personal conversations, let alone when God is whispering or shouting at us, if we don’t attend to the person speaking, we end up showing the opposite traits of sincerity and empathy that we’re supposed to be about! Good point that we may miss God “showing up” if we’re only looking for Him in ways that we’ve been conditioned to expect or in ways of our own devices that in reality may cause us to not hear His gentle whisper, or big train whistle. It’s definitely true that we want the rewards without the pain for being Christ followers. Thankfully our church family, through proper relationships, usually helps sustain us through those times. Usually. And anxiety absolutely can choke out God’s communion with us. The “Roundup” analogy was very good regarding that. And thanks for the Gertrude story. We all can use a Gertrude in our life. And maybe, if we let God enter in and change us, we can be a Gertrude in someone else’s life. Good stuff to think about. Thanks Bro. TA