Life: Connected
The Passion and Compassion of Christ
Speaker – Crispin Schroeder
I. Intro, Text – John 12:20-31
II. The Passion of Christ – Matt 16:21-24
A. Jesus as “Christ”. Christ= Messiah
B. What “Messiah” meant to Peter and others.
C. The strength of God only appears ________________.
• “When God flexes his omnipotent muscle, it doesn’t look like Rambo or the Terminator—it looks like Calvary!” – Greg Boyd
D. Jesus not only took the penalty of sin but also faced the worse abuses of sin personally: Slander, rejection, hatred, betrayal, bruised, beaten, mocked, crucified. He faced all these as a man (Phil 2:5-11)
III. The Compassion of Christ (Hebrews 4:14-15)
IV. Conclusion
I enjoyed listening to you develop this sermon, Bro. And it was a beautiful conclusion. (I was ready to hear the song, too!) Thanks for all of that. As we get closer to Easter it really helps to remember that there is no feeling we have had or will have that Jesus himself has not suffered through. Peace. TA