Life: Connected
Speaker – Crispin Schroeder
I. Intro
II. The problem with priorities…
A. Priority list
B. Bicycle wheel
C. No Compartments
Colossians 3:17 whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
• Brother Lawrence
III. Flowers and Birds (Matthew 6:25-19)
IV. Conclusion
Both those Eugene Peterson quotes are certainly introspective, as was the one by Oswald Chambers, so thanks for those. I hope we can all “marinate” on them for a while, and look to God to help us make the changes those quotes were intended to accomplish in our lives. Certainly I know that too much of my life has indeed been spent reacting to the moment instead of living in the moment. When you talked of Brother Lawrence, I couldn’t help but again think of Paul’s words to “pray incessantly.” Not necessarily to literally always be formally praying, but rather to have that Spirit filled awareness that if we’ll just look and listen to every circumstance in our daily lives, we’ll find God in ways we never saw before. I just love the word “wonder,” don’t you? To have the wonder of a child is, well, magical! It’s awesome! One of the few words that mean more to me, and really, this is right up on top, is “hope.” Truly, without hope, we have nothing. At a particularly low point I my life about 25 years ago, I looked up and saw a poster that had a stream flowing into a river. And the inscription said, “What appears to be the end may truly be a new beginning.” God spoke to me in that, Bro. It gave me hope, and seeing how God is the Author of hope, well, it made and makes perfect sense. Thanks Bro. TA